Blog | InsuredHQ

InsuredHQ and Legacy Systems

Written by Pauline Davies | 18-Dec-2017 01:18:26

Legacy systems - the no. 1 problem for insurers in the digital age?  Weighed down by unwieldy, inefficient collections of old systems, reliant on workarounds and constrained by rigid workflows.  No wonder start ups are achieving traction.

Recent advice from Bob Mozeika from MunichRe America is absolutely on point:

"My main piece of advice is... start small.  Insurance professionals are naturally risk averse.  Start small with technology and concentrate on one or two areas that will help the whole chain.  You must start somewhere and right now.  This is not the time to be a fast-follower, because that means everyone else is one step ahead…"

Talk to us.  We can help.  One step at a time.